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Using IntersectionObservers and CSS animations to have page elements make grand entrances.


Animate-Into-View uses JavaScript Intersection Observers to detect when an element (or set amount of an element) is visible in the viewport and adds the aiv-visible class, which is in turn used to apply CSS animations to the element.

The currently available animations fall into two broad categories:

  • Fade-ins: Animates opacity from 0 to 1, and position for all except fadeIn (e.g., fadeInLeft has the element start off to the left of its final position).
  • Slide-ins: Animates position only.

Available animations are fadeIn, fadeInUp, fadeInDown, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, slideInUp, slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight.

There are currently three methods to use Animate-Into-View, so here's demos of each:

See the usage pages in this site for details on how to use each method.


For users with prefers-reduced-motion enabled, all animations are turned off by default.